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There is adalat 20 mg visa blood pressure medication sweating, however purchase adalat in united states online arrhythmia in newborns, considerable individual variation; some patients show no response whereas others show a dramatic response buy adalat overnight heart attack in 20s. It is obvious that the concept “one medicine for all patients with the same disease” does not hold and a more individualized approach is needed. Although individualization of certain treatments has been carried out in the pregenomic era, the concept of personalized medicine as described in this report follows progress in study of human diseases at molecular level, advances in molecular diagnostics and drug develop- ment based on genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and biomarkers. The aim of the personalized medicine is to match the right drug to the right patient and in some cases, even to design the treatment for a patient according to genotype as well as other individual characteristics. A broader term is integrated healthcare, which includes development of genomics-based personalized medicine, predisposition testing, preventive medicine, combination of diagnostics with therapeutics and monitoring of therapy. This fits in with the concept of system biology as applied to healthcare and termed systems medicine. D e fi nition of Personalized Medicine There is no officially recognized definition of personalized medicine. Various terms that are used to describe the concept of personalized medicine are listed in Table 1. Genomic medicine is an inadequate description because personalized medicine was there before the genome was sequenced and other ‘omics’ besides genomics play a role. Stratified medicine is recognized as a key strategic approach to the diagnosis as well as treatment of disease and depends criti- cally upon information; the integration of existing data sets to form a comprehen- sive ‘personal’ healthcare record and the generation of new data describing patient characteristics – genotype and phenotype – to permit ‘stratification. Genomic/proteomic technologies have facilitated the development of personalized medicines but other technologies such as metabolo- mics are also contributing to this effort. Personalized medicine is the best way to integrate new biotechnologies into medicine for improving the understanding of pathomechanism of diseases and management of patients. This process of personalization starts at the development stage of a medicine and is based on pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics, which will be discussed in detail in later chapters. The concept of personalized medicine will enable pharma- ceutical companies to develop more effective medicines with fewer side effects. Physicians will have access to genetic profiles of their patients that will allow them to use existing medicines more effectively and safely, and individuals will be able to better manage their health based on an understanding of their genetic profile. In contrast to trial and error approach of some conventional therapies, personalized medicines aim to achieve a better match of drugs to patients so that the right Universal Free E-Book Store History of Medical Concepts Relevant to Personalized Medicine 3 treatments are given to the right patients at the right time. Some consider the word “personalized” to be somewhat indicative of exclusivity and prefer to use the term integrated healthcare to indicate the integration of diag- nostics, screening, prevention, therapy and treatment monitoring as the future trend in medicine. The problem with the term “integrated healthcare” is that it is already being used to indicate the integration of classical medicine with alternative medi- cine. Integration of diagnosis and treatment is implied in the development of per- sonalized medicine and the author of this report prefers to use the term “personalized medicine” for the system and to refer to the individual drugs as personalized medi- cines. The term “precision medicine” is used because diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic strate- gies are precisely tailored to each patient’s requirements (Mirnezami et al. History of Medical Concepts Relevant to Personalized Medicine A general overview of the development of concepts in patient management will provide a background for the development of personalized medicine and various landmarks are shown in Table 1. The Ayurvedic practices (mainly diet, life style, and meditation) aim to maintain the Dosha equi- librium (Chopra and Doiphode 2002). Despite a holistic approach aimed to cure disease, therapy is customized to the individual’s constitution (Prakruti)−ancient counterpart of genotype. The traditional Chinese medicine with acupuncture and herbs takes individual variations into consideration and this system is still practiced in new China (Jain 1973). Sasang typology, a Korean traditional medical system, explains the individ- ual differences in behavioral patterns, physical characteristics and susceptibility to a certain disease based on their biopsychological traits (Chae et al. It is a sort of personalized medicine that includes guideline for safe and effective use of acu- puncture and medical herbs, particularly those with significant adverse events, such as Ma-Huang (Ephedra Sinica) and Aconite. It is also to be noted that many of the ancient systems of healthcare survive in the form of so-called “alternative therapies” and most of the population of present day world still relies on these treatment.

Attention disorder and hyperactivity These disorders are often confused with one another buy generic adalat 30 mg online arrhythmia forum. Children who cannot sit still are thought to be inattentive to their lessons in school purchase cheap adalat line blood pressure definition. A child who does not pay attention often: fails to finish activities; acts prematurely or redundantly; infrequently reacts to requests and questions; has difficulties with tasks that require fine discrimination purchase adalat on line blood pressure monitor cvs, sustained vigilance, or complex organization; and improves markedly when supervised intensively. A child who is hyperactive: engages in excessive standing up, walking, running, and climbing; does not remain seated for long during tasks; frequently makes redundant movements; shifts excessively from one activity to another; and/or often starts talking, asking, or making requests. Inattentive, hyperactive children are disturbing to their parents, other children, and to professionals like teachers, doctors, and dentists. The variation in definition, age, sex, source of the data, and cultural factors produces prevalence estimates of up to 35%. Emotional and behavioural disorders There are many manifestations of emotional disorder: fear, anxiety, shyness, aggressive, destructive or chronically disobedient behaviour, theft, associating with bad companions, and truancy. In considering the prevalence of emotional or behavioural disorders, account has to be taken of the very common, seemingly identical, behaviour of normal children. Eating disorders, which may be of concern to dentists because of self injurious behaviour as well as dental erosion, are important in the preschool period and, in different ways, in adolescence. This movement set about making major changes in the lives of affected children and adults but cannot yet be considered as completely successful. The move to normalization came about largely for ideological, legal, and probably in some countries for financial reasons. The philosophy of this movement, which originated in Sweden, centered on the idea that an impaired person should live in an environment as near normal as possible. This involved residing in home-like residences and attending schools, work places, and recreational programmes that were part of the community. On the basis of this ideology, many mildly impaired people were moved out of long-stay institutions into community homes. This movement was fostered by the belief that institutionalization retarded emotional and cognitive growth. Contemporary concepts within this movement are embodied in social role valorization⎯that is, the concept of social devaluation of which social exclusion, for whatever reason, is just one aspect. While most people would agree with the principle of normalization, inadequate funding has produced a less than satisfactory alternative in community care and disastrous consequences for some mentally ill people and those with whom they interact. While many children and adults with impairments were resident in long-stay institutions the provision of dental services was relatively efficient. With the move to normalization, children were often returned to parents/guardians or housed by social services in homes in the local community, thereby placing an additional burden on these families or carers to organize dental care. Alongside this programme has been the move to integrate as many children as possible into mainstream education. This would be desirable, provided general dental practitioners were happy to provide this service. Consent for dental care A treatment plan for a child (less than 16 years of age in most jurisdictions) requires the consent of a parent before embarking upon active treatment. This is often by implied consent; that is, the parent brings the child to the surgery and the child sits in the chair, the implication being that the parent has consented to treatment. Difficulty arises in adolescents with an intellectual impairment who are over the age of consent.

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This diversification of the pain system explains why a wide range of molecularly different substances can be used in the treatment of Universal Free E-Book Store Personalized Management of Stroke 437 different types of headaches cheap 30 mg adalat free shipping blood pressure chart for 60 year old female. The major advantage of using such a fixed combination is that the active ingredients act on different but distinct molecular targets and thus are able to act on more sig- naling cascades involved in pain than most single analgesics without adding more side effects to the therapy buy adalat with mastercard arrhythmia with pacemaker. Multitarget therapeutics like combined analgesics broaden the array of therapeutic options discount adalat 20 mg with visa heart attack 0 me 1, enable the completeness of the therapeutic effect, and enable personalization of treatment to the patient’s specific needs. There is substantial clinical evidence that such a multi-component therapy is more effective than mono-component therapies (Straube et al. Personalized Management of Stroke Stroke accounts for four and a half million deaths each year with an estimated 9 million stroke survivors annually. Conventional risk factors for stroke include: increas- ing age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, increased body mass index, isch- emic heart disease, heart failure, atrial fibrillation and lack of physical activity. Age is the strongest risk factor for both ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke with its inci- dence doubling for each successive decade after the age of 55 years. However, there is a substantial portion of patients with significant cerebrovascular disease who do not have any of these stroke risk-factors, and it may be helpful to identify complex genetic determinants such as multiple genes that play a role. There is no cure for stroke but principle drugs used currently are antithrombotics and their efficacy and safely can be improved by using pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics (Billeci et al. Personalization of stroke management should start at the stage of clini- cal trials of various therapies. Stroke treatments may be neuroprotective in the acute stage and neuroregenerative or neurorestorative in the subacute and chronic stages. Several factors are taken into consideration for personalizing treatment of stroke. Application of Proteomics for Personalizing Stroke Management A pharmacoproteomic approach has been proposed for coping with major chal- lenges in translation of stroke research to stratify risk, widen therapeutic windows, and explore novel drug targets. Examples of challenges include thrombolytic treat- ment for ischemic stroke and treatment for paradoxical embolic stroke related to patent foramen ovale (Ning et al. In the future, such an approach may help to improve patient selection, ensure more precise clinical phenotyping for clinical tri- als, and individualize patient treatment. Universal Free E-Book Store 438 12 Personalized Management of Neurological Disorders Brain Imaging in Trials of Restorative Therapies for Stroke Several restorative therapies for stroke are under investigation including neuro- trophic factors, stem cell transplants, small molecules, intensive physiotherapy, robotics, neuroprosthetics, electromagnetic brain stimulation, and mental exercises. Brain imaging can be a useful approach to select patients and evaluate the efficacy of treatment as well as progress of recovery fol- lowing stroke (Cramer 2009 ). Brain imaging parameters might be used to guide treatment decisions for sub- jects in a clinical trial. For example, serial imaging measures can be used to indi- vidualize details of therapy such as defining dose and duration of treatment, for an individual patient. Such data might provide insight into treatment mechanism, which might second- arily guide features of restorative trial design. Decisions for Revascularization Procedures in Chronic Post- stroke Stage Patients who have not recovered from stroke in a year despite various treatments and have fixed neurological deficits are usually referred to as being in a chronic post-stroke stage. Because penumbra zone surrounding the cerebral infarct may contain dormant neurons even after a year following the stroke onset, various treat- ments have been attempted to activate these neurons with the aim of improving cerebral function. The procedure was popular in the 1970s but the results were variable as some patients showed improvement and others not. A multicenter Cooperative study in 1985 reviewed 1,400 patients and concluded that the operation had no advantage over medical management, and was useless. The poorly designed study included many failures where the procedure should not have been done in the first place.

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