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Also purchase 10 mg alavert allergy shots dog dander, there are many personal considerations and dilemmas which you need to think about before undertaking participant obser- vation discount alavert 10 mg otc allergy symptoms relief, as illustrated below: 104 / PRACTICAL RESEARCH METHODS PERSONAL CONSIDERATIONS WHEN ENTERING THE FIELD Some people will not accept you discount alavert 10 mg without a prescription allergy medicine make allergies worse. Are you prepared to spend many months studying others and not indulging in talk about yourself? Some researchers overcome this problem by making sure that they have someone outside the community who they can talk to if they need to. If you’re going to come across people with very different social and political beliefs, can you remain neutral and keep your opinions to yourself? Some researchers may try arguing their point in the hope that they will get more information and it will deepen their understand- ing. Are you prepared for the emergence of as yet uncon- scious emotional factors? You may find out things about yourself which you do not like, especially in terms of your own prejudices. Are you prepared to be used as a scapegoat if things go wrong within the community under study? Often it is easier for the community to blame an outsider and HOW TO CARRY OUT PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION/ 105 many researchers are happy to go along with this be- cause they know they will be leaving the community at some point. Can you handle the feelings of guilt which may arise as a result of the roles you’ve got to play? Some researchers would argue that you should not do this because it is being dishonest. The le- vel to which you are prepared to do this has to be your own choice. COLLECTING AND ANALYSING INFORMATION At the beginning of a participant observation study it is hard to understand what everything means. At first some- thing may appear very significant, but later it might be- come a minor detail. However, you will not know this until you have started to analyse what is going on. You need to have a good memory as in many situations it is not possible to take notes at the time. You need to have a notepad with you at all times so that you can write down your thoughts as soon as possible after the encounter. However, in the beginning stages of a participant observation study, it is better to seek information by not asking questions. In- 106 / PRACTICAL RESEARCH METHODS stead, you will find that people come to you and ask ques- tions. This in itself is valuable information and can tell you a lot about those people, so all questions should be noted and analysed. Or they might be methodological notes concerning your role, your influence on the encounter, your relation- ship with the informants, sampling procedures and so on. As time moves on your notes will be to do with a prelimin- ary analysis and the forming of hypotheses which you can go on to check out with your informants. Also, as your research progresses you will start to code and classify your notes (see Chapter 11). Taking notes is a very personal process and you need to find a method which will suit you. Many researchers de- velop their own form of shorthand, but if you do this keep it simple because, if your contact is over a long period of time, you may not understand the shorthand you used at the beginning.


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SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH Canadian policy researchers have concluded that more research needs to be done prior to inclusion of alternative and complementary therapies within Canadian public health provision (Achilles 2001; Tataryn and Verhoef 2001) purchase 10mg alavert free shipping allergy forecast fort worth texas. I would add that in particular buy cheap alavert 10mg online allergy symptoms 1 week after conception, research on the efficacy of these therapies from the lay perspective is required purchase alavert 10 mg online allergy testing johnson city tn. Very few studies have examined how lay people assess the effectiveness of the alternative and complementary approaches to health and healing they use. Furthermore, the bulk of this literature does little more than report that people believe that they derive a benefit from their participation in alternative and complementary therapies10 and/or are highly satisfied with their experiences with these therapies. Such research would provide us with a more holistic understanding of what works and also with better evidence to determine which therapies should be included within Medicare. Another direction for future research concerns the following question: To what extent do alternative approaches to health and healing continue to constitute a challenge to biomedical dominance and thus serve as a catalyst for change within allopathic health care? For example, Schneirov and Geczik (1996) argue that the users of alternative therapies are members of a new social movement that presents an institutional challenge to bio- medicine, and Wolpe (1990:922) concludes that alternative practitioners serve as “gatekeepers of orthodox medicine” who have the freedom to experiment with new therapies which can then be incorporated into allopathic practice, thus expanding the range of therapeutic techniques available under public health care provision. However, Schneirov and Geczik (1996:638) also assert that participation in alternative approaches to health and healing constitutes a social network movement that is “submerged within everyday life rather than engaging in visible political Conclusion | 125 activities that confront authorities. Therefore, research should track the influences of the movement towards integration of allopathic and alternative approaches to health and healing, in addition to the inclusion of alternative therapies within public health provision, to determine the effect of these processes on the potential of alternative therapies, as well as on the lay people and practitioners who use them, to continue to play an innovative and revolutionary role within the health care system. Portions of this chapter were previously published in the journal Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine(2003), 1(1):65–76. See also Birch (1997); Calmels (1999); Fitter and Thomas (1997); Gadsby et al. See Barton (2000); Bender (1999); Bossuyt (2001); Calmels (1999); Critchley et al. See Barton (2000); Bossuyt (2001); Drew and Davies (2001); Ernst (2000a,1999, 1997); Ernst and Barnes (1998); Ernst and Fugh-Berman (1999); Gadsby et al. The few authors who critique the RCT method do not suggest that it is inappropriate as a means of assessing the efficacy of alternative and complementary therapies; rather, their critiques centre on refinements of the RCT method (Bossuyt 2001; Thomas and Fitter 1997). Appendix: The Therapies Listed below are brief explanations of the alternative therapies and healing systems mentioned in this book. No consensus exists concerning how to define alternative or complementary health care (Low 2001a; Nahin and Straus 2001; Pawluch 1996). In addition, there are different schools of the same therapy and practitioners do not always agree about fundamentals of a therapeutic approach (Nahin and Straus 2001). Therefore, the following definitions are meant merely to acquaint readers with any therapies they may be unfamiliar with. In no way do I mean these descriptions to be understood as definitive, nor are they meant to necessarily represent what the people who participated in this research believe about any of these forms of health care. Consequently, I have selected definitions randomly from scholarly literature, popular sources, and advertising pamphlets. In addition, and in keeping with one of the primary aims of this research— highlighting the views of the lay user of alternative therapies—wherever possible I use quotations from informant interviews. ACUPRESSURE Acupressure is very similar to acupuncture except that the practitioner’s hands, rather than needles, are used to balance the energy1 which flows along the meridians of the body (Fulder 1996). ACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture has been used as a traditional method of healing in China for the last five thousand years.

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It provides the reader with an outline of the study using about 250 words purchase alavert 10mg overnight delivery allergy symptoms pain. Briefly state your objectives buy 10mg alavert visa allergy testing honolulu, design and methods along with your findings and conclusions purchase cheap alavert line allergy young living. In your introduction State the research hypotheses you are investigating. This will help set your work within the context of the current state of research in your chosen area. The reader will gain an idea of the questions or problems that other researchers are studying and the results of these investigations. A literature review is not just about regurgitating sequentially the facts and figures of various studies. You must show the examiner that you are able to draw information together and summarise the findings of studies that are in agreement, for instance ones that have similar findings or those using the same methodology. Show the examiner that you are able to critically appraise the evidence. What is the significance of their contribution to scientific knowledge or clinical practice? Remember to take a broad perspective that encompasses both those studies that are in accordance and those that op­ pose each other. Use the final part of this section to give more details of your planned research. You will need to: ° state your aims or objectives ° restate your hypotheses ° state the dependent and independent variables ° state your rationale for designing the research ° state the scope and depth of the project ° state definitions of terminology where appropriate. In your methods section The methods section tells the reader how you went about answering your question or investigating the problem. It must contain enough detail to en­ sure that another researcher is able to replicate your project. This informa­ tion will also help the reader to appraise the strengths and weaknesses of your research. Divide the information into subsections that cover the: RESEARCH PROJECTS 207 ° design ° subjects ° materials or equipment ° procedure. Your design State your design (for example, repeated measures, matched subjects) and your rationale for making this choice. Discuss any pilot studies you have carried out and how this has af­ fected your choice of design. Describe how your subjects were allocated to the experimental and control groups. Materials or equipment Be specific about your materials or apparatus (for example, any technical equipment you used or the content of a questionnaire). The procedure Describe exactly what was done (for example, how did you control for sit­ uational variables? State the statistical test and level of probability used in the experiment. Ethical issues Describe any ethical issues that arose out of your study and how you dealt with them. Include information about obtaining permission from the rele­ 208 WRITING SKILLS IN PRACTICE vant ethics committee.

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