Helping Our Banking Community In This Time Of Need
RLR Management Consulting, Inc.
RLR Management Consulting Inc. wants to help our banking community in this time of need. How can we help? We can help keep projects going – remotely. Whether they are IT related, Operations Related, Audit Related, or Policy and Procedure Related (and more). Need to implement your remote access program or even develop a remote access program? We can help you! Have you addressed separation of duties? We can review your processes for adequate internal controls in the absence of a full staff. Other areas where RLR can assist include:
- Organize and Administer a Virtual War Room
- Updating and implementing Business Continuity and/or Pandemic Plans
- Updating incident response plans to consider workforce changes
- Identifying and prioritizing critical products, services and resources for your financial institution
- Vendor communication – determine any current or potential obstacles
- Conduct employee training & communication
- Identify and implement conservation measures when required
- Organize and implement customer communication strategies
- Creating a “Return to Normal” plan once restrictions are lifted
- Potential alternate remote workforce (we are experienced bankers with laptops who are ready to jump in and help!)
Contact us at [email protected]. Stay safe!