RLR Management Consulting

Helping Our Banking Community In This Time Of Need

By Ruth Razook, Founder & CEO
RLR Management Consulting, Inc.

RLR Management Consulting Inc. wants to help our banking community in this time of need. How can we help? We can help keep projects going – remotely. Whether they are IT related, Operations Related, Audit Related, or Policy and Procedure Related (and more). Need to implement your remote access program or even develop a remote access program? We can help you! Have you addressed separation of duties? We can review your processes for adequate internal controls in the absence of a full staff. Other areas where RLR can assist include:

  • Organize and Administer a Virtual War Room
  • Updating and implementing Business Continuity and/or Pandemic Plans
  • Updating incident response plans to consider workforce changes
  • Identifying and prioritizing critical products, services and resources for your financial institution
  • Vendor communication – determine any current or potential obstacles
  • Conduct employee training & communication
  • Identify and implement conservation measures when required
  • Organize and implement customer communication strategies
  • Creating a “Return to Normal” plan once restrictions are lifted
  • Potential alternate remote workforce (we are experienced bankers with laptops who are ready to jump in and help!)

Contact us at [email protected]. Stay safe!